Page 9 - History of the Colton Fire Department
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the permanent organization should sign an
William Bullis like most business- agreement to that effect and on payment of
men in the area had a vital interest in their dues be entitled to vote. The following form
fire protection and as Mayor of Colton he was therefore presented, “We the under-
chaired the meetings to organize The Col- signed agree to form a volunteer fire depart-
ton Fire Department. William Shurfelt ment in the City of Colton” and subscribed
Bullis was born in New York around 1860 as follows.
and came to Colton in 1885 as a clerk for Mac L. Weeks, L.L. Hunt, E.D. Roberts,
the Southern Pacific Railroad. In 1887, E.L. Mc Kinney, A.P. Farling, E.H. Rose,
he became the express agent for the Wells, D. Johnston, E.A. Pettijohn, W.C. McCully,
Fargo & Co., which at that time had its office T.M. Topp Jr., M.P. French, W.H. Redman,
in Colton in the Southern Pacific depot on Harry Fox, C.B. Hamilton, D. Butler,
Ninth Street. He was elected to the Col- James Metcalf, L.H. Snodgrass and
ton Board of Trustees in April 1888 and was M.A. Bagley.
appointed president of the board (mayor) The report of the committee on the
in June 1889. He served as president of the constitution and bylaws was presented by
board until April 1890, when he did not seek D. Johnston and the motion was accepted.
re-election. He was also a citrus grower and C.B. Hamilton on motion was elected presi-
was a director of the Colton Fruit Exchange. dent and D. Johnston as Secretary. The com-
He was a member of the Colton Improve- pany then proceeded to elect permanent of-
ment Association (1892), a group of leading ficers. The constitution and bylaws were by
businessmen headed by Milo Gilbert, builder motion adopted as read. Nominations were
of the Gilbert Bldg. William was a mem- made and the election which was conducted
ber of the Hermosa Cemetery Association by ballot resulted in the choice of the follow-
(1892) and in 1916 he negotiated the sale of ing officers:
the cemetery to the City of Colton. William Chief Edward L. McKinney, E.D. Roberts
Bullis was married to Annie Mary Steven- as 1st Foreman, W.C. McCully as 1st Assist-
son. Annie’s father, James Bell Stevenson ant Foreman, A.P. Farling as 2nd Assistant
was a brother of Adlai Ewing Stevenson who Foreman and Hoseman to be L.L. Hunt. The
served as the United States Vice President first Officers elected were C.B. Hamilton as
during Cleveland’s second term (1893-97). President, D. Johnston as Secretary and E.A.
Pettijohn as Treasurer.
1889 Colton Volunteer Fire Department
As it was written in the original Log Book, has now elected Edward C. McKinney as
Pursuant to call a meeting of the citi- their first fire chief. Chief McKinney was
zens was held for the purpose of organizing born in Michigan in 1860. He was a Car-
a fire company. Mr. Bullis called the meet- penter by trade. He moved to Los Angeles
ing to order and on motion of was elected sometime after 1900 to work in Los Angles
Chairman. W.C. Bailey was temporary sec- as a policeman. Edward returned to Colton
retary. The chairman stated the object of the in about 1926.
meeting on motion of D. Johnston; the chair
was directed to appoint a committee of five
to prepare constitution and bylaws. The fol-
lowing committee members were appointed,
D. Johnston, E.L. McKinney, E.D.
Roberts, C.B. Hamilton and E.H. Rose.
Thursday November 21, 1889 Mr. Bullis
called a meeting to sign up those that wish to
form The Colton Fire Department;
It was moved that those wishing to join 9