Page 7 - History of the Colton Fire Department
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McCoy, Charles        Roberts, E.D.         Tulley, J. M.
                        McCully, W.C.         Robinson, B.          Turner, Gregory Paul
                        McDonald, Heather     Rogers, E.            Turner, Richard E.
                        McGrail, W.           Roice, W. O.          U’Ren, Albert  W.
                        McHargue Tim          Rose, E.H.            U’Ren, E. N.
                        McKinney, E.L.        Rountree, Donald T.   U’Ren, William F.
                        McNeill, Terry L.     Ruiz, Marcia (Shipley)  Vail, John
                        McPike, F. G.         Russel, John F.       Valentin, Kevin
                        McPike, Marvin        Russel, Samuel C.     Vaughan, Lewis
                        Medhurst, C. J.       Ruston, Mike          Vaughan, Wesley
                        Mellen, Paul          Sanchez, Ronnie E.    Vose, A.
                        Mendez, Robert        Sander, Arnold R.     Walin, J. F.
                        Metcalf, James        Santos, David         Walters, Christopher
                        Miller, Don           Schnore, B.           Waters, James
                        Miller, Frank A.      Schroeder, Jeffrey    Watson, W.
                        Miller, Glen S.       Servin, Daniel D.     Wattles, J.
                        Miller, Jeff          Shaw, John            Weeks, Mac L.
                        Morales, Robert C.    Shepley, B. H.        Weems, Justin
                        Morgan, J.            Sheppard, M. E.       Wells, Dr. L.W.
                        Moxley, Clarence      Marcia Shipley (Ruiz)  Wench, John
                        Murphy, Con           Shipley, Richard C.   Wheaton, James J.
                        Musgraves, Mike       Silva, David          Whitaker, Kevin
                        Noonan, G.            Skelly, Walter A.     White Craig
                        Norfleet, Harry       Slaughter, G. E.      White, Glenn P.
                        Novak, Jake           Smith, Charles        White, Katherine
                        Nugent, Charles       Smith, George         White, Raymond C.
                        Nunn, Steven A.       Smith, Kenneth A.     Wiebke, Norman E.
                        Ojeda, Frank          Snodgrass, L.H.       Wilcox, W. W.
                        Oliver, Cecil         Spaulding, Raymond    Wilkins, A.
                        Olson, D.             Staley, Gerald        Wilkins, Charles
                        Palacios, Rogelio     Steeves, Carl W.      Willetts, P.
                        Patterson Jr., Walter  Stell, Ed            Williams, Mike
                        Pay, Colin            Stell, J.             Williams, Neal H.
                        Perez, Henry          Stone,  D. H.         Williamson, Tom
                        Pettey, David H.      Strunk, Boyd          Willmore, Kent
                        Pettijohn, E. A.      Swartz  Jr.,  D.      Wilson,  John
                        Phillips,  D.D.       Swartz, D.C.          Wilson, George
                        Phillips, Trent       Swartz, Fred          Wisecarver, W. C.
                        Pierce, A. L.         Switzer,  C. W.       Wixon, Jamie
                        Pinson, Lisa B.       Tantardino, G.        Wolfley, Ronald E.
                        Post,  W.             Teague, Alan A.       Wood, Cullen R.
                        Potts,  H.            Tecotzky, Ralph       Woolsey, Carl
                        Powell, Arthur        Temby, A. Gordon      Yarno, Gary
                        Price, Alton          Temby, Leonard E.     York,  H.
                        Radcliff, Kenneth     Terry, Matthew R.     York, Michael C.
                        Readman, W. H.        Thompson,  T. P.      Yzaguirre, Arthur M.
                        Reed, Donald J.       Thompson, Ed  C.      Zendejas, Ray
                        Reed, William R.      Thrall, Alvin
                        Reese, Robert H.      Toms, Vince
                        Reeves, W. T. J.      Topp  Jr. , T.M.      348 Past and Present
                        Risenhover, Bornie    Trimble, Robert A.    Firefighters & Support
                        Rivera, John D.       Tuller,  A.           *Chief

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