Page 12 - History of the Colton Fire Department
P. 12

A unanimous vote of thanks was extended to Dr. M.F. Price for his aid in organizing the company.   Dr. M.F.
        Price was a respected physician in the area that was well known in the medical field.   He moved from Los Angeles
        to start his practice in Colton.   Dr. Price was a member of the California Medical Society for which he presented
        many studies that help pave the way towards medical treatments and therapies of today. Dr. Price was Published in
        JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, a Member of the Pan American Medical Board, helped organ-
        ize and was voted in as the first President of the Southern California District Medical Society in 1898.  Dr. Price had
        a significant hand in guiding the Volunteers to organize themselves in an official capacity.

        On December 10th, 1889 the Fire Department Log reflected;
        The City Council turned over the care of the following apparatus to the Fire Company:
        o      1,000 feet of 2 ½ inch rubber hose
        o      One hose carriage and fixtures
        o      Hydrant wrenches
        o      Three Edison electric fire extinguishers and 8 charges.

        1890                                                     task so this would narrow the field on nominations for
               Unless there was a resignation or absence, elec-  the Chief position.  On a fire scene, you were expected
        tion of new officers would generally take place on April  to respect and follow commands of the ranking officers.
        of each year.  Some years were not recorded and therefore  If there was a violation of rules or attendance problems,
        it was unknown if any changes took place.                there would be consequences.   Depending on the seri-
               A.B. Farling was appointed as the second Volun-   ousness of the offense, you might pay a fine of 25 cents or
        teer Chief on April 26.    He was a marble cutter at the  there would be an investigating committee to determine
        marble works on Slover Mountain.                         the proper action which could result in being discharged
               The  Fire  Department  always  depended  on  the  from the department.   There were many volunteers that
        public’s support.   One of the many fund raisers to come  would come and go due to their family relocating or the
        had been discussed on September of 1890.   Some of the  amount of devotion that one was willing to give in or-
        concerns and topics were politics, prohibition and con-  der to serve their community.  It would take a great deal
        tacting the electric company so they might maintain the  of time and energy in order to fulfil the requirements to
        lighting during the entertainment.                       become a member of the Colton Volunteer Fire Depart-
               The Colton Fire Department Volunteers had prop-   ment.  Those that loved the job and challenges that came
        er meetings once a month unless urgent business prompt-  with  each  call  would  earn  the  title  “Fireman”.    Those
        ed them to have a special meeting.  The meetings were  that showed leadership abilities and were able to make
        conducted  by  elected  officers.    The  Chief  would  only  the best use of their manpower would advance within the
        conduct business in the absence of the President.   On the  ranks.   After showing such ability, a candidate would be
        fire ground the hierarchy would be Chief, First Foreman,  nominated for a position and then the membership would
        First Assistant Foreman, Second Assistant Foreman and  vote.  Fire behaviour was not as well understood in the
        a Hoseman.   Now that they were officially recognized by  early years and safety would sometimes lack.  There were
        the City, they also acquired a meeting place at City Hall  many studies being done by larger departments such as
        or as they called it the “fireman’s room”.  They bought  Los Angeles that could afford to do so and the Colton
        furnishings with their own funds and sometimes squab-    Volunteers were always hungry to adopt and learn new
        bled over who could use the room.   It seemed that other  fire fighting techniques.
        officials would loan out the room so the men wanted a           One fact that was true then and is still true today
        vote to show that only fireman can use the room.         in many cases, you need to “Put the wet stuff on the red
               Even though they had their individual ranks on  stuff”.  In today’s modern fire science, you would need to
        the fire ground, they were all considered to be a Fireman  know what is burning before you applied water.   With the
        first.   Once a year they would re-elect all officers includ-  electrical, chemical and other combustibles
        ing the Chief.   The Chief would also have to deal with the
        politics between the City Trustees (City Council).   Very
                 few of the guys had the desire, the ability or pa-
        12       tience to constructively deal with this important
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