Page 13 - History of the Colton Fire Department
P. 13

that we have in today’s households, a firefighter’s job be-  school tower to gather the students for class.  Mrs. Colton
        came very complex and much more dangerous.               was made aware of this and she donated the money nec-
               Any special meetings and training that took place  essary to have a bell installed as soon as possible.   This
        had to be posted in front of the post office at least 48 hours  would be the first school bell in Colton.   Just a few years
        in advance.   The rules were strict on attendance of meet-  later in 1887 the Santa Fe Railroad needed the property
        ings and training.  For each year there would be 3 people  that the school house occupied and purchased it from the
        appointed by the President to an Investigation Commit-   city and  the students  were  moved to a new and  larger
        tee.    Before new members could take the floor, the In-  school house that was called “Lincoln”.   Lincoln had
        vestigation Committee would check their backgrounds to  been built in the location where the present day City Hall
        see if they had any “Black Balls” against them.  Then the  stands (600 block of N. LaCadena).    The original one
        membership would vote for approval.  The Investigation  room school house was relocated to 458 N. LaCadena
        Committee would also investigate any mishaps or acci-    where you can still see remnants of the structure today.
        dents that were requested by the President.              Mrs. Colton’s school house was utilized by Santa Fe un-
                                                                 til it was demolished in 1925.  The bell was removed at
        1891                                                     some point after the building was purchased and installed
               J.F. Walin was elected as the third Volunteer Chief  at the City Hall on I Street (Valley Blvd.) in 1891.   The
        on April 10, 1891.  Chief Walin worked with the Board of  bell served primarily as a fire bell and other community
        Trustees to establish the City Volunteers as a City Depart-  gatherings.  In 1918 at the end of World War I, everyone
        ment, purchasing better equipment, increasing response  had reason to celebrate.
        times and improving the city’s water supply.

               The  first  Fireman’s  Ball  was  held  in  1891  and
        there would be many to follow.

               In June of 1891 there was a committee formed to
        discuss putting a main water line in town for fire use and
        to place a bell in the tower of City Hall.  Chief Walin gave
        instructions that the bell would be rung at 7 o’clock on
        the evening of any regular meeting to remind members.

        History of the Bell has been a puzzle till now.  The bell
                 that is displayed in front of the current
        Colton Fire Station #1 had lost it’s roots.   Between the
        rediscovered news articles and live interviews, the story
                 of the bell is complete and here to stay.
                               The Bell
               For many decades there has been a large bell on
        display in the front of Fire Station #1.   Memories of the
        bell have faded almost to the point of being forgotten.
        From past news articles, council notes, Fire Department
        Log books and personal accounts, I believe that we have
        reclaimed a valuable part of Colton’s history.  David Col-
        ton for whom the city is named after in 1875, died in
        1878.  Mrs. Colton lived in their mansion in San Fran-
        cisco (the first mansion on Nob Hill).   Mrs. Colton was
        honored that the City of Colton was named after her late
        husband and would make donations to benefit the town-
        ship.  In 1883 Mrs. Colton donated the money to build
        the first substantial school house in Colton that replaced
        the one room building school house built in 1876.   When     The Original City Hall and Fire Station in 1891
                                                                     after the Bell was installed.   The bell is now
        the new school began sessions, there was no bell in the      displayed in front of Colton Fire Station 1.    13
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